15 April 2021
If you are thinking about supporting Queen’s University Belfast with a gift in your will, we want to make it easy for you.
Queen’s has joined forces with Bequeathed, an online will writing service, to help you write or update a simple will for free – quickly and easily – from the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Bequeathed works with over 90 charities throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their team of legal experts is on-hand to help you get started and a local firm of solicitors checks your will.
Susan Wilson, Legacy Manager at Queen’s, said:
“The recent pandemic has shown us all that life can take unexpected turns. We want to help ensure our alumni, supporters and staff are empowered to write a will, to protect and plan for what is important to them. No-one wants to leave a gift for the taxman in their will!
“Furthermore, we understand that your priority should be to look after loved ones, so there is no obligation to leave a gift to Queen’s in your will, but we hope you may consider it.
“Legacy gifts ensure that young people with talent can come to Queen’s, regardless of their background, and benefit from the transformational opportunities that a world-class education presents. Legacies also fund life-changing research, seeking to overcome some of the major health problems of our time, including cancer, cystic fibrosis, asthma and Multiple Sclerosis.
“By partnering with a trusted digital wills provider, like Bequeathed, we hope to help our graduates, staff and supporters make their wills, and consider Queen’s as part of their legacy journey”.
Why leave a gift in your will to Queen’s? Read about the reasons some of our other supporters have chosen to leave a legacy gift to Queen’s in our legacy supporters’ stories section.
Find out more and start your will today at www.qub.ac.uk/alumni/bequeathed or contact Susan Wilson for further information on leaving a gift in your will to support the work of Queen's.
To submit graduate news items, or for general enquiries about this story, please contact Gerry Power, Communications Officer, Development and Alumni Relations Office, Queen's University Belfast.
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