12 November 2021
A special edition of The Graduate – the annual magazine for Queen’s University Belfast graduates – has now been delivered to over 140,000 alumni around the world, with a specific focus on the University’s strategy until 2030.
Providing the inside track on how the University will play its part locally, nationally, and internationally over the next 10 years, Queen’s 2030 features contributions from key staff and graduates. Covering research, education and local partnerships, Queen’s 2030 sets out the University’s ambitions to shape a better world.
The magazine includes reflections from Professor Ian Greer, President and Vice-Chancellor of Queen’s on Strategy 2030, and from Nathalie Trott, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, on the importance of graduates getting involved.
You can also read about One Elmwood, the new purpose-built facility bringing together all University student services – and the Students’ Union – under one new, and rather impressive, roof.
Commenting on the latest issue Nathalie Trott said:
“With the help of multi-award winning content marketing agency YBM, we’ve taken a very different approach this year. This special issue still focuses on what is really great about Queen’s but it also highlights the key role the University will play throughout the rest of this decade here in Northern Ireland and internationally.
“Of particular interest will be some of the important research carried out by our colleagues in areas such as the hunt for Planet Nine, the development of sustainable public transport and responding to natural disasters."
In a direct appeal for feedback on the alumni publication, Nathalie added: “We would really love to hear from our graduates on this issue. Tell us what you think please – what you’d enjoyed about the magazine and what you didn’t – what you’d like us to include in future editions, or how you would like to get involved with Queen’s on our journey as we seek to build a better world.”

The latest issue of the magazine should have reached all graduates in October; those who have not received their personal copy – or who are currently being mailed to a parental address – should contact alumni@qub.ac.uk.
Alumni who have lost touch with the University since graduating, and who would like to receive a copy of Queen’s 2030, can update their contact details on-line to ensure that they get future issues, or can email alumni@qub.ac.uk to request a copy of this year’s publication. Alternatively, an online version of the 2021 magazine is available here.
Graduates wishing to stay in touch online can go to https://daro.qub.ac.uk/optin to let Queen’s know their preferences for ongoing contact from the University.
To submit graduate news items, or for general enquiries about this story, please contact Gerry Power, Communications Officer, Development and Alumni Relations Office, Queen's University Belfast.
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