Holding a reunion? HERe's how we can help
A reunion is a great way to reignite old friendships, celebrate achievements and reunite with your former classmates. Here's how we can help:
- We search our database to identify graduates from the degree subject/area of interest and year group details the reunion organiser has provided
- If you would like a talk from a current academic we can help identify this person as a potential speaker and check availability
- We can send a message to gauge interest in the reunion, with expression of interest replies going to the reunion organiser – the message is sent via email to contacts who have opted-in to receive email and, if you wish, by post to those who have not opted-in for email (there is a charge associated with postage)
- Once you have arranged venue, catering and itinerary we can send a final message with all of these details, to the graduates identified in our database search
- If you would like us to publicise your reunion event, we can include it on our DARO web pages, eGrad newsletter and social media
We can still help with all of the above, but if you would like to hold your reunion at Queen’s University Belfast, these are the steps you need to take; contact the Events team on events@qub.ac.uk The team can help with and advise on room booking, catering, and any tech requirements, e.g. laptop, projector screen etc.
Ease the workload – get a small organising group together to support you. Speak to your group and work out the most suitable date for your reunion. NB some graduates may have to travel long distances to attend so it is best to start planning at least 12 months before the proposed date of the reunion
Budgeting – draw up an outline budget to determine the anticipated cost of the reunion, and to enable you to calculate the ticket price per head. It is also advisable to open a dedicated reunion bank account, with at least two signatories.
Afterwards, it would be great to hear how your event went. If you send us some feedback and photos we will try to feature them on our website or in our publications.
If you discover any graduates whose address details are incorrect we would be very grateful if you could point them in our direction so we can update the alumni database and keep you better informed of events, benefits and competitions.
The Development and Alumni Relations Office can be reached on alumni@qub.ac.uk or +44 (0)28 9097 3114.
Make a class gift
More and more graduates are choosing to incorporate a class gift to the University into their reunion activities. This is a special way of marking the anniversary of your class’s graduation.
How is a class gift used?
The money raised is used to fund scholarships, provide extra resources for student societies and clubs, and projects of urgent need throughout the University.
Please consider encouraging your classmates to make a personal donation to the Annual Fund and to sign a Gift Aid Declaration. Gift Aid enables us to top-up the value of donations by nearly a third at no extra cost to the donor, simply by reclaiming tax already paid to the Inland Revenue in the UK. All donors receive individual acknowledgement for their gift.
Due to data protection and more recent changes under GDPR we are unable to provide class lists, email addresses or any personal data of graduates.
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