About Us
The Queen's Graduates' Association (QGA) was established in April 2003, following the merger of the Queen's University Association (QUA) and the Queen's Women's Graduates Association (QWGA). The QUA was founded in 1927 to keep members in touch with one another and with Queen's.
The Queen's Women Graduates (QWG) is an integral part of the QGA and exists primarily to maintain links with the Graduate Women International, the Irish Federation of University Women and the University Women of Europe. The QWG shares a lively programme of local activities with the QGA and members participate regularly at European and international conferences.
Membership of the QGA costs just £15 per annum and is open to all graduates, final-year and postgraduate students and to academic/academic-related staff. The preferred method of payment is by Direct Debit and members are entitled to priority booking and discounted rates at most QGA events.
To join the QGA or to renew your membership complete the application form.
Events and Activities
The Association organises a varied programme of activities including talks and visits (mainly in the Belfast area) and University-focused events. The highlight of the year is the annual 'black-tie' Charter Day Dinner usually held in November and which attracts around 100-120 graduates and guests.
Visit our Events page for more on specific activities.
Key Contact (June 2019 - June 2021)
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